Conflict-resolution empowerment: A panacea or pacifier for project sustainability

Humphrey Mwandawiro Mwambeo, Lydiah Nyaguthii Wambugu, Raphael O. Nyonje, James T Kariuki
International Journal of Community Development and Management Studies  •  Volume 8 (2024)  •  pp. 001-022

The purpose of this study was to assess the extent to which conflict-resolution empowerment influences sustainability of forest conservation projects

The study was undertaken in Taita-Taveta County in Kenya within Mbololo and Mwambirwa forest areas. It targeted 28,984 residents of the county. A sample size of 365 respondents was obtained using Yamane formula.

The research used cluster, systematic and purposive sampling techniques. Mixed methods of data collection and analysis were used

Results showed that sustainability of forest conservation projects was not fully achieved. There was strong linear correlation between conflict resolution empowerment and sustainability of forest conservation projects (r=0.072). However, the regression model showed that the results were not statistically significant (F (1,351) = 1.812; p > 0.05) which informed rejection of the null hypothesis.

The research showed that empowerment in conflict resolution enhanced social fabric but did not result in sustainability of forest conservation projects. It helped society by informing decision makers not to invest in conflict resolution empowerment when seeking sustainability of projects. Resources were therefore saved which would get wasted in the absence of the study findings.

Original Research (Combination)  |  Conflict-resolution, Empowerment, Project, Sustainability, Community
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